mindful MATERIALS is the leading non-profit convening people, building a common language, sending a clear market signal, and working to connect and contextualize materials data so each effort goes further than it would alone. The vision is a materials economy that respects and protects the health of all people, communities, and ecosystems
mM is attempting to organize industry-wide standards within a common language, the Common Materials Framework (CMF), to make it easier for every stakeholder. This herculean task requires a huge amount of data and alignment across the building ecosystem.

Click here to access the
mindful Materials Product Portal
mindful Materials challenges all stakeholders to imagine a world where:
Provide answers to all sustainability requests within the same system
Save 1,000s of hours looking up and sharing data
Quantify ROI for our sustainability investments, to effectively scale more impact reduction and further investment
Owners + AECs can:
Aligned material requirements that are used across the industry
Easily see what products meet these requirements
Make substitutions and trade-offs across impact categories easily
Benchmark and optimize project level impacts with better product decisions
Educate teams easily about sustainability and its value
Ecomedes partnered with mM in 2022 to build the mM Product Portal which serves as the first proof of concept of a digitized CMF. The mM Product Portal and ecomedes are key resources for comprehensive data helping:
Architecture customers who have taken the AIA Pledge
Manufacturer members who use the CMF to organize data,
Building owners who want to build a better world

Ecomedes helps mindful MATERIALS to turn data chaos into clarity for product summaries using Impact Buckets:

The built environment's impacts are vast, global, and systemic. To build a more beautiful world, we must consider them all. Let ecomedes help you, as we have helped mindful MATERIALS and 100s of manufacturers. .